Legends from our own lunchtimes

Thursday, December 30, 2010


When we woke this morning there was something strangely unfamiliar about the place, we couldn't put our finger on it at first and then we realised that it was sunlight shining through the windows for the first time this month.

It wasn't the bright, yellow burning light that we are accustomed to, just a warm sort of glow. Strong enough to cast a shadow, although not to illuminate the house, but sunlight none the less.

It didn't last long either, but with most of the state flooded, every major highway impassable and many towns completely inundated we are glad to have seen it.

The rain will apparently remain for a week or so, but in more moderate amounts at last, perhaps just enough to keep the grass wet enough so that it can't be mowed till next year at the earliest.


Julie said...

The sun is shining up here in the mountains today, too, although I am aware of the struggles the folks on the plains are having.

Annie said...

Certainly good to see the sun here too! Washing Day!

Amazing devastation across Queensland.

I went off to work today to fold and pack clothes at the local charity warehouse. maybe they might come in useful somewhere perhaps.

Joan Elizabeth said...

The sun is shining here too ... summer at last. We are off to the new block for the day ... Happy New Year.

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