Legends from our own lunchtimes

Friday, August 02, 2024


Still overwhelmed by our welcome, which was ongoing, we thought we’d sneak unnoticed into Lier, a few kilometres, away for a little traditional sightseeing.

“Traditional” in this sense means “closed when we are visiting”.  We can’t say we’ve ever visited an entire town that was closed on our account before, but there’s a first for everything.

It’s as though they knew we were coming.

Unable to find anywhere that would serve even the most basic lunch, we popped into the only open bakery that we’d seen, to be greeted in English with those fateful words: “You aren’t from round here are you?", followed by; " Where are you from?”

“Australia! Oh you must be the ones living on a boat”

“Benita said you have invited her for a meal tonight and she bought these little cakes which are a specialty just of this town as a special treat for you.”

This startling revelation was followed by a general discussion about kids, grandkids, cousins seven times removed and a distant relative who had seen a map of Australia once, supported by photographic evidence on an iPad.   

Then we were asked to pose for a photograph so that we could join an entire ensemble of “international customers” proudly displayed with names and country of origin on the back wall of the shop which served admirably as an honour board of sorts.

Patrick did take a photograph of us all in the act of consuming Benita’s ruined surprise, and will take a copy to the couple in the bakery where no doubt they will feature as evidence of “international endorsement” of their rather tasty product.


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