Legends from our own lunchtimes

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Domino Artwork

Domino Artwork: The mob at DominoArtwork.com are truly obsessed with making pictures out of dominoes! They start with a target image, and a certain number of complete sets of double nine dominoes.
They say that what makes this difficult is that they use *complete* sets of dominoes. If they decide to work with 48 complete sets, for example,then they must use precisely 48 blank dominoes, precisely 48 dominoes that are blank on one side and have one dot on the other, precisely 48 dominoes that are blank on one side and have two dots on the other,
and so on.
And I thought those mosaic thingy posters that clever people build out of individual photographs were a bit of a challenge!
OK I know there's software to do all this, but.....


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