Legends from our own lunchtimes

Friday, November 30, 2007


We ordered the steak because of the chalkboard promise of fresh salad or veggies.

Two with mushroom sauce, two without. Two with salad, two with veggies.

Two well done, two-medium rare.

Two ginger beers, a white wine, a schooner of VB and forty minutes later, four apparently identical plates arrived, laden with steak, canned vegetables and chips floating in a sea of brown.

As the first hovered over the spot occupied by Jo, she inquired:

"Is that the medium rare?"

There was an almost imperceptable delay, as though time had stood still for a mere nano-second.

A voice from behind the plates replied:

"It's the steak."



awkward egg said...

Wow- I actually was convinced you had put some chips into your fish pond, and were going to say you made fish and chips for dinner. That green looks more like pond-weed than I care to imagine. For that matter, the steak looks more like the mucky surface of pond water. Even after I had read your blog it was still a stretch to match the pic with what it was supposed to be.

awkward egg said...

That was the S part of J&S.

bitingmidge said...

Well I know it was a BIT of a cryptic pic, but the rest of it was out of focus, and .... well, at least you did work it out.

The mushroom sauce is the giveaway I think.


awkward egg said...

either way, it sure looks appertising! YUM

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