Legends from our own lunchtimes

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Beating the storm
St-Jean-de-Losne to Auxonne

The old adage about "sailor's delight" describing sunsets at night proved to hold true, when once again after a glowing farewell last night, the day dawned with a cloudless blue sky, a mirror-finish on the water and the sort of day that could fairly be described as "beach weather".

We could have stayed another day, or even another year had the weather come with some sort of guarantee of permanence, but there were thunderstorms in the offing for the afternoon, and besides we thought we should really begin our meanderings in the general direction of  home, lest we should run out of year.

With no fear of being swamped by the inclement sea conditions, we struck out bravely for Auxonne, the garrison village where Napoleon spent eight or nine years studying, or was it in command during his formative years I can't recall with any certainty.    Not wishing to swamp my mind or this journal with useful information, I shall refrain from discovering more until next year, when we hope to revisit this part of our journey in a more relaxed manner.

Perhaps it should be noted that we were safely in port by the time the thunderstorm didn't arrive.


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