Legends from our own lunchtimes

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

After the rain

I know that people wax lyrical about the ever changing nature of water views, but after the rain comes the muddy silt laden stream, and after that for a week or so we are treated to a perfectly clear tannin stained river, the colour of dark tea.   In bright sunlight the sand peers up at us with a sort of milky tone, but when the sun disappears the water takes on a certain inky blackness.   
All manner of creatures hide beneath a slick silver skin.
Even the detritus from the careless gardeners upstream seems to add to the poetry.


Julie said...

You're not bad in the waxing-lyrical stakes yourself.

bitingmidge said...

"Lyrical Wax" - sounds like the sort of depilatory product that would work on the tough jobs!

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