Legends from our own lunchtimes

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Erika

We opened our bedroom shutters to find a day that on Erika's birthday promised nothing but weather worse than yesterday.   Bleak, cold, rain, snow on the mountains, well there was on Niesen at least the only one visible through the cloud and it is but a babe.


The weather was gracious enough to clear for long enough to snap a solitary photograph as evidence before closing in for the day but one of us was beside herself with excitement.  The Swiss among us, and Graham and Jill for that matter who were still recovering from the shock of us turning up apparently unannounced, and having spent enough time in Victoria and seen enough of the cold in days gone by to feel well satiated were somewhat bemused by the size of the grin and the constant scurrying to the verandah to ensure that the mountains were still there, and when they were that there was snow atop them.

We had no doubt that had she would have climbed them had we let her, but cold, wet, cloudy days with snow on the mountains are best spent in coffee shops and in the higher country with Erika's artist and weaver friends, and the evenings are better spent on birthday celebrations well into the night.

Tomorrow the forecast has no promise of better conditions, but we have seen enough for one day.  We were last in Switzerland thirty years ago.  We spent some time in Berne and around the corner from here in Interlaken waiting for the weather to clear so that we could visit the tops of the mountains, but it never did.

We were living a repeat of that earlier visit, but  I suspect we will remember Erika's birthday from this day on.

1 comment

Annie said...

reminds me of the Glasshouse mountains...sort of!

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