Legends from our own lunchtimes

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Reality Bites

We weren't at all sure when we woke, how it had gotten to be the Saturday before the Tuesday we leave but no matter how often we counted the days on our calendar, it definitely was.

For that matter, given that we'd been in Lagarde for more than a week we weren't at all sure why there was still so much to do, but we did know that we'd had a wonderful few days off, and as we watched the sun rise, the notion that less than twelve hours ago we had been standing in snow on a mountain top, seemed like some sort of abstract concept.

Finally we had reached a point where the wintering process had to be addressed.

Still, there was no need to panic, if we were able to complete about a day's worth of work every hour, we would leave on time, without fuss.

1 comment

Gunn said...

This is like medicine on a very COLD winter day here in Norway.

Love the composition, colors and the "summer heath" from your image!

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