Legends from our own lunchtimes

Friday, May 23, 2014

Doing the Time Warp Again
La Ferté-Saint-Aubin

The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, if it actually existed, would say something like this on Jet Travel:  
The first rule of jet travel is not to succumb to what your body is telling you.   No matter how hard it screams and how disoriented you become, NEVER think you will just shut your eyes for a few seconds.

Sage advice indeed and a code that until yesterday we have scrupulously observed.   Yesterday however, we were feeling a bit seedy in the early afternoon, and we had an appointment at Monique’s place in the evening that from experience would last until tomorrow, so perhaps it would be sensible to have just a little rest.   A few moments of shuteye can't hurt can they?

Today we can say without fear of contradiction, that was a mistake.   When we were awoken by the telephone in a fog of disorientation it was six hours later, almost eight, about the time we were due at Monique’s for dinner, having slept through  our alarm and everything else.

It took till midnight to shake off the hangover, and by the time we were once again in bed early this morning our body clocks had set themselves back to Australian time, ready for us to start again.  This we did, all day surviving on the four hours of sleep that we had managed in the “proper” night, all the while feeling as though we had just landed.  The whole of today has disappeared in a blur of indecision.

Wisely, in one of those moments when we both had our faculties at the same time, we decided that attending the evening’s concert offering would not be smart, so we retired back to our nest in Jackie’s time-warp house to read, and be sensible and become proper people by the morrow.

Living in a house in which every piece of decor has remained untouched since the seventies is “interesting” though and possibly not assisting our cause.  Every time we wake we have to question the whether time travel is real and whether somewhere along the way we haven't pressed a wrong button.  

Perhaps we need to look it up in the “Guide”.


Annie said...

Ah, I can relate...
but luckily I usually succumb to the call of sleep.
I'd be a wreck if I didn't.

Was wondering whether there would be photos from France again this year!


Annie said...

Ah, I can relate...
but luckily I usually succumb to the call of sleep.
I'd be a wreck if I didn't.

Was wondering whether there would be photos from France again this year!


Unknown said...

keep up the good muses love em !!!!!

bitingmidge said...

Steve, are you just catching up on last year? :-)


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