Legends from our own lunchtimes

Sunday, April 24, 2011


The van of German men arrived early and reserved the picnic table beside the boat. One made a nest of raffia in it's centre and placed a huge chocolate chicken in it, with scattered eggs of chocolate surrounding it. We assumed that their families would arrive in a little while to find their Easter surprise.

Meanwhile at Ruby and Jean-luc's Patisserie, the queue stretched well beyond the door. Jean-Luc stood by the door near the oven dressed as a charicature of himself greeting us all with pride and satisfaction as we admired his work of the night before. Cakes of marshmallow that looked like eggs, eggs that looked like sheep, chocolate roosters, Easter symbols of Christian and for the pedantic, pagan origin, all lovingly created and displayed with as much affection amid the decoration. We pinched ourselves and wondered if we were extras in a movie being secretly filmed.

Houses and buildings are decorated simply, but clearly for the occasion, with care and thought and little expense. The tourist office has a sign which reads (literally translated): "Because of the problem of the invasion of the Rabbits of Easter, we are closed today for an exceptional holiday"

Back at the boat, all is eerily quiet.

The German fellows by now are quietly drinking coffee and breakfast beers and enjoying their chocolate feast - it was a boy thing after all, and we are struck by their sense of occasion.

We can't help but reflect a little sadly on how in our life at home we have lost this sense of celebration of events both religious and secular under a sea of contrived greetings, junk mail,"Holiday Sales" and last minute rush and bargains to be had.

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