Legends from our own lunchtimes

Monday, July 29, 2024


It’s hard to escape the feeling that “every day is a Sunday” at the moment, it was certainly quiet enough all day to convince us that our wall clock was wrong.     

Now that we are back to a more normal few hours travel per day it does tend to make us think we are a little crazy when it feels like Sunday and it’s only Friday.

Have we lost a few days or gained a week?  We can say for certain that almost every date on the last week of posts was seemingly at random (since corrected), quite possibly a reflection of our state of mind at present.

We don’t really care, but if we did find ourselves in a bit of a spin we’re in exactly the right place, because the city of Geel is noted for its foster care system for people dealing with mental health issues. Foster families sometimes host their boarders for decades, making them an integral part of the nuclear family. 

The families see the care they provide as normal, because many have learned it from their parents, grandparents, and extended family. It’s not some new fangled hippy ideal either, it’s just how Geel has worked for a very long time, since the thirteenth century in fact.

It’s a quite extraordinary thing, and although there’s a visitors centre at the hospital and of course a little more information in the church of Saint Dymphna who started the whole movement, everyone had gone home by the time we arrived to discover more, so we returned to the boat none the worse (although with just a touch of guilt) for having not consumed any more historical data.  

There, wewatched the sun slowly sink in the west, and wondered if tomorrow would feel like Sunday too.


1 comment

Jack said...

A good combination of a memorable photo and a great story.

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