Legends from our own lunchtimes

Thursday, July 25, 2024


We set off late in the morning for some supplies of course and to a large electrical retailer in search of a vacuum cleaner, or as they say in France rather ominously; an "Aspirateur".  

Downtown was busy, and strangely run down yet not, all at the same time.  As many as two shops out of every three are closed, but of those that remain a fine assortment of very nicely fitted out retail establishments filled with high quality stock which did not seem to align with the dress or mood of those on the street.

In keeping with the overall feeling of the city, the electrical store, did not stock any of the more modestly priced items in its catalogue, just the three or four top line models in the hope that customers in urgent need of aspiration would simply fork out the extra few hundred Euros. 

From all we’ve heard of Liege, we really felt a bit guilty that we didn’t love the place more than two nights’ worth, but we’ll give it another go in time, and one of those nights was a very big one indeed.   

It’s not that there’s nothing to see, quite the contrary in fact, but we finally had a day of summer and we weren’t in the mood to do much at all except hang around with Frank and Els drinking fizzy water and using up our stock of ice cubes until the cool of the evening became the cool of the morning, by which time, despite all encouragement to the contrary, we had decided to move on.  

Sans aspirateur.


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