Legends from our own lunchtimes

Saturday, July 27, 2024


We might have left this morning, in fact we intended too, but somewhere along the line we just sort of forgot.

It wasn’t really a conscious decision, more a result of a complete lack of enthusiasm for doing anything but sitting right where we are.  Perhaps yesterday afternoon had been too much of a good thing, or perhaps it had been just enough.

Whatever the case, we hung around, lunched ashore, measured things that needed measuring, cleaned things that probably didn’t need cleaning, and read and napped and generally had the sort of day one needs after a week of helter skelter.

About to board after one of our dalliances ashore our little dwarf Joyeux seemed to have enjoyed the day too, not that he ever does not.   A gift from Cindy and Joel when we first named the boat “Joyeux”, or “Happy” after the dwarf of the same name, he has stood watchfully by that window mostly unnoticed, fading slowly and gracefully with the years.    

Sometimes we wonder what he sees during our absences, does he become just a little Grumpy or Sleepy, or is he really just a lump of painted plaster?

Should we add him to the list of things to be maintained we wonder.  

We think not, by the time he fades sufficiently to match the curtains, we may well have taken on that kind of colour ourselves.


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