Legends from our own lunchtimes

Saturday, July 27, 2024


Wind, rain, clouds, partially sunny. with a late storm

In a decision that we would later slightly regret we decided that we could always return in a more relaxed frame of mind and visit Maastricht properly in the future.  If we were going to be sitting in the relative warmth and dry of the boat anyway we may as well be moving. 

A few kilometres into our journey, the sky magically cleared and we felt on top of the world. 

A few kilometres later we passed what might have been an interesting place to visit, but with the bit firmly in our teeth, rolled past confident that there would be many more just like it.

That, in the words of the song, was our mistake.   Tens of kilometres rolled past as the wind increased and sky darkened and the conditions generally deteriorated without a sign of anywhere to stop, nor anywhere to explore.   

When a likely place did turn up it was as usual an awkward mooring, timed perfectly to match the most vicious squall of the day, but after finally securing ourselves, took a deep breath, and wondered why we had left in the first place.

Then as the evening storms rolled in, an explanation for the flatness of our mood suddenly dawned;  We are on our way home.   

Even though we are only half way through our time on the boat, we have a deadline and deadlines change everything.  There are some obstacles to clear on our route so we need some time in reserve lest we are forced to go round them, but for now have to work hard not to be in a rush.


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