Legends from our own lunchtimes

Saturday, July 13, 2024



Yesterday had been a long day in conditions which required a little more work than we prefer, let’s politely say that we were feeling our age a bit when we creaked into life this morning.

It was raining too, and quite cold and not at all summery so we had a slow and gentle morning.  Eventually the other boat sharing out mooring departed, spurring us into action.

Curiously after conversing happily we thought for more than a dozen or so locks and bridges and as many harbours while travelling through Wallonia, today the young lady in charge of the locks must have decided that it would be easier for her to understand us if we spoke in English.  

It was certainly easier for us, as we are constantly in awe of how we are understood despite what we know are our sometimes unrecognisable pronunciations, which are a constant source of mirth for many (and ourselves).

Happily the windscreen wiper rebuild of a week or so ago passed it’s first significant test with flying colours, but since it covers only a very small small area of the glass, visibility in close quarters a little less than desirable.

Fortunately, after the reapairs we had thought to keep the old auxiliary system completely intact “just in case”.



Vallypee said...

"The old auxiliary system" looks pretty reliable to me :)))

bitingmidge said...

OH YES! We've both remarked how, after just a few weeks on the boat we are feeling so much more agile! Of course all that cold wet stuff around us is a great incentive to stay that way.

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