Legends from our own lunchtimes

Thursday, July 18, 2024


Every day we seem to begin our journal with “the weather forecast for today”.   

Being aware of what conditions one might encounter, even on a relatively small and protected waterway, is a fundamental requirement if one is to minimise risk and maximise comfort while living on a boat.

Yesterday, when the forecast suggested conditions with higher than comfortable winds in gusts and a little cooling rain to take the edge of it, we made a tentative plan not to go anywhere.

Therefore, when the new day dawned brightly and cheerfully, we were still sound asleep.   

A double check of the forecast over the first coffee of the day confirmed the wisdom of our decision and we watched a small procession of those more hardy than ourselves depart the safety of the harbour.   By half way through our second coffee, they were back, foiled by a malfunctioning lock and with ever worsening conditions putting paid to any hope of a lengthy cruise today. 

So we walked downtown, comfortable in our winter woolies and wet weather gear, spending a very pleasant few hours exploring, eating fancy meatballs for lunch, and watching fascinated as the Belgians in our midst gathered in the rain, peering into clothes shop windows gaily decorated with beachwear, no doubt wondering where in the world one could go out in clothes like that. 


1 comment

Jack said...

This is a keeper, Midge.

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