Legends from our own lunchtimes

Friday, August 01, 2014

Lazy Hazy Days
Le Chesne to Neuville-Day

If we had gone helter-skelter today, we may have broken our record for number of locks travelled in one day, and we may have broken ourselves or Mr Perkins to boot, but we almost certainly would have broken Dave or Ria or both!

We had vague feelings of deja vu as we watched them battle with their first few downhill locks, eventually settling in to a routine that would stand them  well for their trip into Paris.  We traversed nineteen today before calling a halt at a very civilised but still late for lunch time, and covered almost four kilometres in the process.

At every lock a new scene awaits, around every bend a new lock awaits, and often there’s no room for a bend between locks, but if there is a more pleasant way of travelling slowly through the haze of summer we are yet to find it.

Even Mr Perkins, perhaps sensing a very big hammer at the ready, was on his very best behaviour all day.

Was it just a coincidence that the sun was shining from the outset?

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