Legends from our own lunchtimes

Monday, July 22, 2013

Racing downhill for a while.
Montbeliard to Colombier-Châtelot

If one were to cast one's mind back a few weeks, one would recall that Montbeliard was once intended as a place of transit on our journey, but due to severe damage to the canal system a little further on, our plans have had a forced change.

Montbeliard therefore became the zenith of this year's journey, and this morning after rather a lot of shopping and washing and cleaning of cobwebs, we did a quick lap of the town of foot to remind us that we really do need to come back,
gave Mr Perkins a bit of a tickle in the ribs and began our descent of the Doubs.

The changes in the river in barely a week were remarkable.  Instead of a rain induced current of several kilometres an hour that slowed our journey upstream, and we expected would give us a sleigh ride down, we motored out onto a millpond.   A delightful, spectacularly beautiful… millpond.

The current below the mirror was barely enough to bend the stems of the lillies.

There was a message in that we thought, so we cut our day short, stopping for the afternoon under a shady tree to contemplate our lot.

What a happy task that is!

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