Legends from our own lunchtimes

Friday, May 21, 2010

Is that all there is?

Late this afternoon, when the shadows were very long indeed,  in fact so long that the nice lady at the bank kindly kept their batching open so our deposit could be processed before the weekend, the roller coaster that has been one part of our life for the past nine months, came rolling to a stop.

We are a little dizzy of course, and the silence is deafening, and we are looking around trying to get our bearings.

We are now tenants in the house that has been ours for almost a decade, and for the first time since we arrived home late last year, there is no uncertainty surrounding our tenure.  

Uncertainty surrounding where we might eventually live of course, but for now we have twelve months reprise, and strangely "a chap" to make any repairs.

Our home is not our house!

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