Legends from our own lunchtimes

Friday, June 28, 2024


On the second day of what was forecast to be a three day heat bubble rather than a full-on wave, Dave and Ria suggested they could fetch their car and we could all go for a short sightseeing drive in air conditioned comfort.

While technically we didn’t leave the district of Bruges, nor did we even lose sight of at least one of the towers of the centre during the course of the day, we did venture all the way to see the sea at  Zeebrugge, the cruise ship port not fifteen kilometres away.  

This port is a major contributor to overcrowding of the centre of town during daylight hours as hundreds of buses converge on the old town on days when the ships are visiting, so if three people really are a crowd as the saying goes then perhaps four is a very big crowd, and just ever so slightly we were able to return the favour, at least for the time it took to drink an ice laden beverage.

Since art and sculpture in particular is a very big part of spring here too, and it happens to be the year of Triënniale Brugge, visits to lots of displays in the galleries and public spaces in the villages of Damme and Lissewege seemed like a great idea.  

As long term readers of this journal will understand, the galleries seemed to have got wind that we were coming, and closed for the afternoon in anticipation.

Never the less, we were welcomed by dozens of storks in nests on every available high spot in the villages, with their young almost ready to leave their lofty perches for adventures of their own, and that  did leave time for a lovely ice-cream to neatly round off our day.


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