Legends from our own lunchtimes

Sunday, June 02, 2024

The Secret Mission
Tuesday 28th May - Zurich to Interlaken


Proper spies never have to work out where they are and when they got there, let alone how they got there.  

For reasons that will have become obvious by the time this has been posted, even if we did know any of those things, just like proper spies, we weren’t allowed to tell anyone until Saturday and thus it was that an embargo was placed on this publication by those “higher up”.

Having arrived in Zurich tired but inarguably happy, we were in short order made less happy and more tired by the discovery that payment for our hotel using the special credit card issued specifically for overseas travel, had been declined.  It turned out after a rather stressful hour waiting without success on an internet service chatline (“we’re here to help, expect a response within five minutes”) and a further fifteen minutes on a phone call to Australia (“your call is important to us, please hold”), that the whole problem came about because we were overseas!   

The lovely lady we eventually spoke with resolved the problem in a few seconds, and in exchange for a swipe of that very same card, a nice man at the airport gave us a car suitably equipped for our mission.   

After just a short drive we were met by E who not surprisingly was with C, who provided us with a rundown on our secret mission, the workings of their caravan and provided a dossier of things to do and see while we waited, cameras in hand for the cloud to clear from the  tips of the Eiger and Jungfrau.


1 comment

Graham Boothby said...

those “higher up” - this of course could have been abbreviated as "M" in true 007 style.

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