Legends from our own lunchtimes

Friday, June 28, 2024


We didn’t realise until we thought about it, that we’ve spent several months in Brugge which is probably some sort of affirmation of how much we enjoy it here, but also gives us a familiarity which sets us aside from the usual day visitors.

It’s also why we are super excited for Dave and Ria as they are contemplating a move ashore here.  Naturally the first item on today’s agenda was a walk to revisit their prospective neighbourhood, and while no one asked for our opinion, we will be following their project with great enthusiasm.  

We have our reservations, such as the (not very great) distance to walk back to the boat after dinner, but we are pretty sure we can overcome that by staying till breakfast.

With that delightful little chore completed by morning tea time, we returned to discover two very big “Moïses” and “Chihuahua” shaped holes in the port at either end of our little Joyeux.  It would have been nice to have time to have chatted with their respective crews of course, but in their absence, remarkably our little boat  appeared to have grown to her usual size. 

Maybe it’s just as well we weren’t further distracted, because it gave us time to catch up on the administration bits and bobs created by life of the move. 

With the temperature ten degrees above average, that gave us an excuse to sit in the shade for the afternoon trying to catch what little breeze was available while contemplating things we might do on some later occasion.


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