Legends from our own lunchtimes

Thursday, June 20, 2024


I suppose sensible people might have been in bed, or tucked up inside playing dominos or (shudder) watching “Home and Away”, but when Jørn checked the Aurora forecast the other night there was a fair (which is another word for less than slight) chance that the Aurora might turn up unannounced at some random time.

Aurora stalking turns out to be a bit like fishing.  There are a lot more reasons why you didn’t catch any than reasons why you did, but it’s a very pleasant way of spending some time in the great outdoors.

Completely undaunted by our lack of prospects, we set off to Liseleje long after the ice cream shop had closed, to try our luck in the spot the internet declared to be the absolute best chance for this evening.

As it turns out, walking along the beach at eleven PM, skipping stones and generally not caring that the air is a “bit crisp” while the sun slowly sets in the west, and pretty much everywhere else in the sky as well, is an extraordinarily beautiful experience, green lights or no.

Like poor fishermen, we don’t really know if we went home too soon, if we were looking in the wrong direction, or even if there were too many, or perhaps too few clouds, but whatever the case we spent an absolutely gorgeous hour or so not seeing the Aurora Borealis.


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