Legends from our own lunchtimes

Monday, June 24, 2024


In times past, we used to sort and clean and polish and unpack and repack for a week, until at some point one of us would call “ready” and then we’d spend a couple of days hanging around the port until on a whim, we’d simply set off in one direction or the other..

This time it’s different: We're nowhere near ready, but the urge to move is upon us and we are pretty sure we'll move tomorrow anyway.

We’ve given it a small shake, but the state of play on board is such that when I suggested that a photograph of the chaos might be easier than describing it in detail, the words “lead” and “balloon” come instantly to mind.

Suffice to say that we’re in sufficient shambles that we’re surprised that a flock of Bin Chickens aren’t circling us like buzzards waiting for an opportune moment to scavenge.  

I suppose it’s not that bad really. On the bright side, we are fuelled and watered and provisioned, we just really don’t feel like charging into sorting ourselves out.   The last time we felt like this we decided to take a road trip to visit Jørn and Birgit in Denmark until the procrastination wore off, but we'll probably wear out our welcome if we try that three weeks in a row.

We do take some consolation in knowing that half of the Diksmuide waterfront, even the Yser Tower itself appears to be in a similar mood, with scaffolding and temporary fencing and machinery lying about seemingly at random, and I’ll wager we’ll have ourselves sorted before they do.



Ian said...

Beware, beware …
We took the same approach this year and left with 'settling in' jobs to be done on the run. A month and three sets of guest later, and while several more tasks have been accomplished, several are still to be done. Make sure that there is a priority list. However, this is exactly the strategy our Dutch mentors (and who knows cruising better than the Dutch!) have always encouraged and guests have just had to put up with no floor coverings, creaky boards, ultra hot water in the shower and so forth while all of us have a good time.

bitingmidge said...

Message understood! Thankfully there are not too many jobs on our list, So far so good!

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