Legends from our own lunchtimes

Sunday, June 09, 2024


Death and taxes are said to be certainties in life, but they travel in steady company with other basic tasks, like washing underwear and keeping accounts in order so that one can be reasonably certain that funds will be available to continue in the coming month in the manner to which one has been accustomed.

Julie is due home tonight and after that there won’t be any time to let the grass grow under our feet, so we had a bit of a family conference, the three of us, and decided to take the morning off.

This went so well we decided to take the afternoon off as well.   

Some time in the late afternoon, we became concerned that after all this frittering of the day we might have to do something to warm ourselves up for our evening competition.

A long stroll around the astonishing nineteenth century orangerie terraces that pretty much border Portigliolo did the trick, and we were ready for all comers by the time we arrived at the Pétanque courts.   

While the records may show that we didn’t win a game, as play continued until the light had gone, there were certainly no losers either. 


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