Legends from our own lunchtimes

Monday, June 03, 2024

Across the Thunersee
Sunday 2 June - Interlaken

It was hard to describe our collective mood as the new day dawned, “Boxing Day Chill” perhaps; that sort of settling rosy afterglow in which one wakes the next day, wondering if it really happened or was it just a dream, before spotting the tiniest scrap of wrapping paper under the couch as evidence that it was not.

We sat around as old friends do, with the accompaniment of Christian’s CD player (I didn’t know they were still a “thing”) making a sterling job of Graham’s “Jim Crisp the Plumber” classical guitar on CD (they must be!).  To my great relief I discovered that the inimitable Mr Crisp has a YouTube Music account and I therefore won’t have to scour the thrift shops for a tape player to create a bootleg version (for future academic reference.) 

At some point, someone implied that we were in danger of wasting the day, and perhaps we should take a turn around the block, venture into the great outdoors, which after a brief investigation was equally as chill as we were, and a lot wetter.   

Suitably attired, we made our way to the ferry, which bore us across the Thunersee, into the heart of Thun itself where we strolled and re-caffeinated before returning to Christian and Erika’s lair and made plans to do exactly the same thing tomorrow. 



Graham Boothby said...

An entirely satisfactory way to follow the more emotionally charged previous day.

Anonymous said...

Peter H - it certainly was!

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