Legends from our own lunchtimes

Saturday, June 29, 2024


No one can say why we thought that repeating yesterday would be a good idea, except that it was a really pleasant day and we can't have too many of those, but once again we rose too late to beat the crowds, so once again we thought we’d join them.

We wandered into the market square via a different series of alleyways, found an arch that nicely frames a photograph, and up to the first floor of the electrical store to reacquaint ourselves with the quite lonely blue tooth speaker expert who’d been so patient with us yesterday as we turned a purchase that was in reality the value of a cheap bottle of plonk into an exercise worthy of a house purchase.

The one we wanted had a cord you see, and we needed to be sure it would reach where it needed to be, so we returned somewhat triumphantly and crossed another item off our list, slowly wearing down our brand new pencil lead, but the rest of our shopping was no more successful than the day before, so we are at no risk of running out of that commodity any time soon.

We had intended to visit every work exhibited as part of the Brugge Triennale today, but somehow put it off until tomorrow, settling for a somewhat shorter walk and a night of long conversation with Ria and Dave instead.


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