Legends from our own lunchtimes

Saturday, June 22, 2024


Curiously, our day seemed to divide itself quite naturally into ninety minute sectors, as though some mysterious universal clock was trying to adjust us to the discipline of travel once again.

From the time we woke to the time we rose at nine - ninety minutes.

The time we took over one last leisurely breakfast - ninety minutes.

One last commute through the lush Danish countryside, past Legoland to the Airport - ninety minutes

Lunch and the wait to board the plane - ninety minutes

The flight, on an airline so budget that even the pockets had been removed from the seats - seventy minutes but felt like ninety.

Baggage collection and the wait for the connecting bus because the budget airline lands so far from Brussels airport that it’s actually in another city - ninety minutes

Crowded bus and walk to hotel - ninety minutes!

We were a little disoriented on arrival at the Brussels Gare Midi (the Central Station) as it was all bright and shiny and newly renovated.  It didn’t feel like the part of town that we had become so familiar with just two years ago.  

We need not have been concerned though, when we popped out the other side there was enough of the old facade not covered to make us feel right at home and we quickly regained our bearings and crossed the road to our budget hotel named unfortunately after that notorious scavenging bird “the bin chicken”.   

There’s something about the patina of this part of the city that suits the “Bin Chicken Hotel” theme and we wonder if the hotel too, will succumb to renewal, therefore today’s photo is an important reminder of good time’s past and an era that is at an end.


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