Legends from our own lunchtimes

Sunday, June 02, 2024

The Secret Hideout
Wednesday 29th May - Interlaken


When one of us woke to find herself at Camping Lazy Rancho 4, so improbably named that no one would believe us if we told them we were here, she smiled.   Then she peeked out of the window beside her bunk to discover the mountains were still there, smiling back. 

With our targets still in the UK, there was little chance of them hearing her gasps as the mountains revealed themselves to the new day, although everyone in Switzerland probably did.  To be fair, she’s a sucker for mountains, particularly ones with snow on top. Had the weather been more predictable we would without doubt have travelled to the “top of Europe” on the Jungfrau, but it wasn’t and the chances of seeing anything from the top were “iffy” at best.

Therefore we settled for the much less ambitious “top of Interlaken” and the funicular ride to Harder Kulm where the views were more predictable and taken at a leisurely pace as was indeed lunch, before returning home on the 104 bus in mid afternoon.   

All other plans for evening exploration (reconnaissance?) were abandoned in favour of a late afternoon dose of horizontality, in deference to that overwhelming desire that one’s body has to sleep at peculiar times after traversing the world by jet plane.


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