Legends from our own lunchtimes

Wednesday, June 05, 2024


It was a funny in-between kind of day for us, as we tried to get our heads around getting ready to move again after a week with our feet so firmly planted in the Lazy Rancho soil that we remain at risk of putting down roots.

The weather hadn’t really done anything at that point to convince us that we would enjoy being out of doors, so it seemed like a perfect day to enact our Rule of Ten - our own little guideline that dictates that we should not get out of bed until either the temperature or the time is in double figures.  

We were in the throes of considering whether there was any way that we could construe going out anywhere as “fun” when we received Erika’s message to ask if we  wanted to reconsider our plans for the afternoon.

We didn’t have to be asked twice, particularly as a little dicky bird had told us that Christian’s newly repaired steam locomotive was due to arrive mid afternoon, so we quickly made plans to meet at “theirs” for the evening.   

While we were once happy to confirm that there is “absolutely nothing, half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats”, we can also confirm that “simply playing with trains” might come a very close second.


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