Legends from our own lunchtimes

Saturday, June 29, 2024


We are now only half-heartedly fighting that feeling of putting things off till the afternoon and then deciding they maybe don’t need to be done anyway.  

This morning we were enjoying lolling about so much that we stupidly put off heading downtown until the crowds were well and truly upon us. It’s not terrible. It’s just that we prefer to be out when they are not, and they prefer to be out at a time which is most convenient for us.   

It is actually quite nice to stand in the middle of the market square just listening to the hubbub as they wait in little groups for their tour leader to arrive with his magic umbrella, and watch as they make idiotic poses in front of the carriages for the benefit of their influencees, with the clip clop of horses hooves on the cobbles for accompaniment as another load of sightseers departs.  

The market square itself (which is not actually square) is lined with ancient monuments and restaurants and waffle houses, with the occasional large retailer to be found between them if you know where to look. 

Usually the illuminated sign over the door provides a bit of a clue.  In that regard although the regulations regarding preservation of historic monuments do keep things to a fairly discreet dull roar.

Curiously, those stores represent something of a refuge. Like so many shops and alleyways just ever so slightly off the beaten path they are almost completely silent places where visitors never go.

One could be excused for thinking that no-one else in Brugge was searching for a bluetooth speaker or water flosser or USB charger.

We can’t be sure if it’s a special knack we have developed in seeking only things that aren't in stock, but after visiting several well located and well respected establishments in an effort to leave a few hundred Euro in the town’s coffers, we returned to boat empty handed except for a small box of replacement pencil leads.

One of these we put to good use, crossing themselves off our shopping list. 


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