Legends from our own lunchtimes

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Resistance is useless - Sunday - 16th August -
Lutzelbourg to Hesse

How quickly things change.   

Two days ago it was far too hot to lie in bed, yet this morning it was cool enough not to want to get out.

We did eventually though and wandered briefly uptown in our jeans and jumpers with chilly toes in socks too thin, and umbrellas that were quite useless in the mizzle.  “Uptown” in Lutzelbourg is code of course for “the Bakery” where we managed to procure exactly the right sort of stuff to get us through a chilly, damp morning and even a tunnel or two if it came to that.     Then we sat, coffee finished, apple crumble gone, staring up the canal trying to ignore the giant magnet drawing us home, trying too late to prolong our stay.

We really don’t have to go far at all, we really don’t. Perhaps if we only go a little way, only as far as the tunnels….

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